The LuminusMicro X1 is the first complete microsurgery system that empowers surgeons with new capabilities to transform health outcomes on a global scale.

How LuminusMicro will transform surgery


LuminusMicro vs current approaches


ENT Nano - our first target market


Introducing the Voices of Innovation: Surgeons Speak on LuminusMicro X1



LuminusMicro is creating a paradigm shift by providing surgeons and doctors the first user-friendly, 
comprehensive visualization of anatomy, and based on what is being seen, they can elect to:

  • Precisely measure and sample pathologies that not even a CT or MRI can clearly confirm
  • Dilate constricted canals or openings to allow for drainage and further inspection
  • Relieve or remove pathologies causing ininflammation and pressure
  • Remove obstructive tumors or foreign bodies
  • PRECISELY MEDICATE at the location of infection (as opposed to spreading antibiotics or other undesirable agents throughout the body)
  • Deliver hundreds of treatments never before possible

The LuminusMicro Solution

Using the patented LuminusMicro X1, surgeons can immediately diagnose and treat patients with real-time HD visual guidance and microsurgery tools never before available.

LuminusMicro will transform millions of surgeries into a new era of microprocedures.



LuminusMicro will transform millions of surgeries into a new era of microprocedures.